Saturday, May 4, 2013

Interview notes

  1. How will Facebook be used to promote yourself?
    - I will make my Facebook page more professional.
  2. Name three goals you have between now and graduation?
    - To focus on projects
    - Pass my classes
    - Keep my GPA up
  3. What are three employment goals do you have after graduation?
    -To continue to advance into upper management position at Mc Donalds.
    - To get a paid internship
    - Have the opportunity to volunteer
  4. Name the three best jobs you would like to have and why?
    - Helping people live more”green” because people should do all they can to shrink their bio foot print.
    - Saving animals because if we don't help them who will.
    - Promoting recycling because some people don't know the recycling basics
  5. Do you prefer to work professionally with a group or on your own and why?
    - Myself because I know things will be done the way I want them. I don't like to rely on other people getting their work done in order for me to finish mine.
  6. Name 3 contributions can you make to a group dynamic.
    -Focus on things that need to be done
    - Doing tasks right the first time
    - Bringing personal experience and knowledge to the team
  7. Name 3 contributions can you make working independently.
    - I can work a lot quicker, I can think about it and not have any one to run my ideas by
    - I can work at my own pase, if I have a few extra minutes to work on something those few extra minutes start to add up.
    - I can handle the pressure of deadlines. I worked at a book factory where all orders had to be done by pick up time of the truck drivers. In one day we would typically get 20 orders and many had to be out within 48 hrs.
  8. What are our pet peeves in a work environment?

                      - people making messes in areas like the brake rooms and not picking up after themselves and drama.
                      9. Name 3 things you feel passionate about professionally and why.
                      - Helping customers have a good experience because, of all of the hard work that was done.
                      - Making things run as smooth as possible, to avoid any complaints.
                      - Currently sending out workers who have matured on both a mental and professional level. To help the world move in a better direction.
                      10. How do you handle stress and Pressure?
                      - I take deep breaths and count to ten.
                      11. Name the last 3 jobs you had and the best success and the worst failure you experienced at each of these jobs.
                      - Mc Donalds: I'm more older than most of my co-workers, communication with the younger people is difficult.
                      - Tops: I'm able to work along after only 3 days of training, the job is not challenging.
                      - Book Factory, was there for seven years but no room for advancement.
                      12. How do you handle criticism?
                      - Listen, wait a little while then step back ans look at the situation and make changes.
                      13. What are 3 strengths you have in school?
                      - I get my homework done
                      - making sure I get to school early so I can find a parking spot
                      - I ask questions when im unclear of something.

                      14. What are 3 strengths you have in the work place?
                      - I keep busy
                      - If there is no task to do I clean
                      - Good work ethic

                      15. How was creating a wiki page strengthened your communication skills?
                      - Learned how to be more informative
                      - Learned how to create a BuffWiki page.

- How to write to communicate effectively

                      16. How will Facebook be used to promote yourself?
                      - Posting more professional related material

      - Using more pictures and organize them
      - Post more than just pictures

                      17. Name 3 things you would do to promote an organization on facebook?

                      - Creating events
                      - Fill in more than just the basic information
                      - I would message people on a regular basis

                      18. Give 3 examples of how you will use twitter to promote yourself?
                      - I would tweet regularly
                      - I would reply to popular tweets
                      - I would practice good ethics
                      19. Name 3 things you want graphically what do you want to have on your website and why?
                      - I would use graphs to convey numbers when ever possible. It make's it easier for people to see the information and the differences in the numbers.
                      - For a lot of information I would make a video of it. Its a chance from reading and you can use it to help convey your points more clearly.
                      - I would use hidden links to promote other sites. It helps you get in good with other sites and helps spread more information.

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