Saturday, March 30, 2013

Video Reaction Paper

I thought this project was difficult because, I work nights and it was hard to find a time when everyone could get together. With my odd work schedule more planning was involved with shooting my clips that took place outside. When it came to the video and the computer I got frustrated because I don't know any thing about apple computers but once I started getting use to the video editing techniques it got a little easier. I'm still having a hard time trying to save it, there are just so many steps. In the process of editing I found a clip I wanted to re-shoot, I couldn't figure out how to move the re-shot clip with the more complete part of my profile video. Also during the editing process my clips kept resting themselves and the two pictures were not matching up. I took a bunch of small videos and then tried to combine them into one. That will be the last time I ever do that.

I also had a hard time with the audio for my movie clip. The song showed up in the library but, I was unable to click on it. The audio to my video is REM's “Its the end of the world as we know it”. I thought the song was appropriate because it is my belief that one day man will pollute the earth so bad it will no longer be liveable.

Using a video instead of writing to communicate leaves the message a little bit more open to interpretation. While writing makes the point more clear, using a video is more creative making people think about it more. I think videos are more influential than pictures in getting a point across because, you get the full context instead of just an image.

Viemo and youtube are both sites for viewing and uploading videos. Youtube at a glance seams to be more geared toward entertainment. Vimeo is more of a professional or a site a family would use to share videos through. Youtube is free to use. Viemo is free to use but you can get a membership for a yearly fee. Youtube also offers free movies from their site, viemo does not.

Both youtube and viemo allow people to share videos with other people who are on your contact lists. You can like both of the websites twitter and facebook, as well as fallowing the company on their own page. Both sites suggest video content you you to watch. Viemo and youtube both show how long the video is and how many people liked the video.

I think its great that there is a family friendly site where they can keep in-touch through pictures. I love youtube because you can watch music videos. They both also give you an option to watch videos at a later time.

Friday, March 1, 2013

BufWiki Reaction

In high school I was always told never to use Wikipedia because, any one can change the information. I would love to find those high school teachers and ask them if they would now allow the use of Wikipedia as a reference. I have found Wikipedia to become a useful tool when filling in missed notes from classes.

This was my first time making a web page besides our blogs in class. Coming up with a topic was my first struggle, what isn't on a wikki page now a days? I'm no where near computer smart so the project was a struggle trying to understand how to work with the picture programs. The most frustrating was trying to get the pictures where I wanted them on my wiki page. It was also a struggle with my work schedule to try and get out in enough day light to take pictures. I also had to use my GPS in finding the places I wanted to take pictures of. I learned what computer codes were, I originally thought it was something that had to get deciphered. I learned how to reformat pictures in the right sizes. While getting the pictures ready to post, I would randomly pick some numbers for the height and with and see if it looked good. I still do this I don't take pictures for any thing other than recreational use so the size to me is not important. Before making the BuffWiki page, I thought that pictures were just cut and pasted in a word document then the whole word document is transferred buy cutting and pasted in a word document then the whole word document is transferred buy cutting and pasting.

I never heard of BufWiki or WikiHow before this class. I think they are great sites, they let any one post any thing and therefore spreads knowladge. It's nice to know there are cites revolving around the city, it helps people become a part of the city instead of just a resident. My wiki pages belong on BuffWikki because it is about haunted places in Buffalo. They are relevant to Buffalo because all places are located in the Buffalo area.

BufWiki has many black headings from visiting, playing and dining. Under the headings there are blue links which will take you to a more specific category. If you choose any kind of destination it will give you locations, phone numbers, who the owner is, times they are open, as well as a link to their website, much like goggle maps. If you choose the link under media labeled newspapers it will list all of the surrounding newspapers available, when you click on the name of the news paper it will take you to the newspapers site. On BufWiki you can edit or create pages (it does have to get approved) and write a review about a place you have visited. BufWiki also has a section on the front page where it tells you how many pages have been created.

To communicate my Wiki page I posted pictures and all of the reference pages are links. Scene I just moved to town and don't know any thing about the Buffalo area, all of my information I got was from other sites. The most helpful was All the information about “Mad Bear” was found on Mason Winfield site,

I thought the Wiki project was fun in the fact I got a chance to inform people about something that I was interested about. I just moved to the area and it was cool to learn something about the town. I'm looking forward to seeing what other new things that someone can do with technology. I think all three Wiki pages are good sources for information.